My passion for politics is inseparable from my commitment to healthcare. I believe policies are the backbone of sustainable progress, and I am driven to advocate for healthcare policies that foster genuine change. Some key experiences that have shaped my approach include:
National Secretary, Atiku Grassroots Movement (2019-2020): Led youth campaigns, strengthening engagement ahead of elections.
Member, Young African Leaders Initiative, Delta State (Feb-Dec 2019): Organized campaigns promoting civil rights, youth participation, and women’s empowerment, along with impactful healthcare initiatives across Delta State.
Webinar Organizer (May-Sep 2020): Hosted webinars on COVID-19 education with esteemed experts, raised awareness of child rights with Hon. Barr Bridget Anyafulu, and discussed alternative career development with key figures in talent empowerment.
Community Medical Awareness (Jan-Aug 2022): Led awareness campaigns on hypertension, diabetes, and stroke in Elele, in collaboration with MUTH.
Medical Team for Pilgrims (Oct-Dec 2022): Provided essential medical care for pilgrims at the International Pilgrimage Centre in Elele.